Misconceptions about the Law of Attraction

Misconceptions about the Law of Attraction
The law of attraction simply states that events happen because of the energy to give. This is true even if we do it intentionally or not.

If so, we must emit only positive energy so we can attract only the good, right?

Unfortunately, this is the error that some people do. Just because the law of attraction to the good that also matched by another good thing, we have no guarantee that everything will return to us will be just good.

Why? If you look at the definition of the law of attraction, we talk about the arbitrary nature of things that happen to us. This occurs due to accidentally give energies.
Therefore, we have no control over situations and events that come to our doors. Similarly, we can not tie a rope around positive or negative energies are released.

Because we believe that only in the obvious, we raise hell every time something negative comes, thinking that we have become victims of negative desires of others. Many of us are quick to point the blame on others for our own destiny, without realizing that, considering the law of attraction, what happens to us is caused by what we give.

For example, we tell someone that will help us clean the garage on Sunday. Because we said so, ultimately, we hope that the other person also offered to help clean the garage next Sunday. However, we were surprised when they do not. We're frustrated and say that there is no truth to the law of attraction. This is our folly. We unfounded interpretation on the law of attraction.

The problem lies not in the "wrong definition" of the law of attraction, but in our misinterpretation of the whole concept. If you really want to live a good life, we must rely on the law of attraction and just simply learning to live a good life.

If something negative to come, then we must accept this as part of normal life and not a consequence of energies. The mistake that people make in life is on the misconceptions we carry. Why not let go of concepts misunderstood and just go on living and coping with fate?

We are all huge magnets of various events - good or bad. The whole law of attraction can do is tell us that there are positive and negative energies. It is by no means a method of preventing bad events come into our lives. As the popular song goes, just get what we give (either intentionally or unintentionally!).

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