Feng Shui Taps Into Law of Attraction

The Secret Ever since I was exposed to Oprah, millions of people were attracted to ... attraction. The attraction, that is. The phenomenal film and book by Australian producer Rhonda Byrne has gained more and more popular attention, culminating in two recent episodes of "The Oprah Winfrey Show. But the mystery has been around for centuries - and millions of people to work in their environments by the ancient practice feng shui .

Linda Binns, a country known expert in feng shui and holistic health, says that feng shui masters have included almost Attraction in practice to their age. We use it all the time in feng shui, she says.

In his recent book, Feng Shui for Your Relationships: Changing our environment in order to create better relations, Binns said: The power of Feng Shui is to make changes "with the intent ..." How to work with feng shui and focus on increasing energy around you, will attract positive relationships.

Binns suggests that anyone interested in change in his life, both in terms of wealth, health, achievements or trade union must begin by identifying what exactly needs to change. ideal outcome of the changes is an important step on the road to success, she says. In fact, she advises clients feng shui and students to pause before making any changes at home or in the office and to establish clear intentions. You can not simply move the furniture around and wait for something magical happened. You have to deal with specific outcomes in mind, she says.

People often do not believe that they already have everything you need to live in their lives choose to continue. But feng shui practitioners recognize that we have everything we need. The secret to feng shui, Binns added, is simply to know how to maximize the flow of energy in a positive environment to help us in our lives is best to install when it is clear that the intention of helping to determine what life will look like.

And what is little new century is indeed scientifically proven phenomenon, based on the physical existence of molecular energy. Binns agrees with the sources quoted in The Secret of energy on the fact that the frequencies are the physical manifestations of human will. I saw Feng Shui work wonders in life, she says. However, the greatest successes are those individuals who really know where they want to go and are open to a variety of experiences and pathways to achieve this objective.

by : Linda Binns

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