The Law of Attraction, Television & You

The law of attraction tells us that bring into your life, which can be placed on the account. The secret of life is to place their observations on what serves you and take attention from what is not.

Is your spiritual development comes from television? Is television spew about spirituality? We know that many uses religion to send their messages, but it is the same as that of spiritual enlightenment? Often, creating a habit of watching television, regardless of the fact that we are watching.

We get in the habit to speak ill of others and ourselves and it just seems normal to us. Our environment appears to encourage us to play an important role in the life that has nothing to do with who really are. We get feedback every day from television that encourages us to make decisions that hinder our thinking and therefore our creativity. Our non-compliant with marketing plans that bombard us every day.

Hey, here's a novel idea. Do not turn on television. This is just an idea, but think about it. The universal law of attraction became tells us that we attract into our lives that we put on our attention.

If viewed from three to four or more hours of television a day have a lot of attention to that, you are watching. If you are not the only one day does not affect you much, but if you do it every day and maybe a little more on weekends, then you can begin to see that the cumulative effect this has on the overall contribution to what you think.

Let's just take one aspect of television and examine how it affects our lives. Remember, these are only words. These are words that get through our physical sense of hearing, in addition to the visual context adds that the emphasis on the overall message.

We want the national evening news. It does not matter whose networks are tuned to you, because everyone's talking about the same things. Every night we are subjected to lead to history, which is the most surprising stories of the day. My sensational Dictionary defines as: 1 Wywołują intensive 2 interests. Intended to shock, emotion, etc. (Kind of sounds like a carnival show)

Let's examine the entrance to our daily thoughts. The commentator has been carefully selected and programmed to create an image of honesty and trust. We have confidence that fair-minded person who is transmitting a message to the world to us in an impartial manner. It is a picture that the project for all of us.

We lead to believe that they are doing us a great service by reporting us information that puts in an abbreviated form, what happened that particular day, which they feel are important to you. Do they ever question what is important for you? Or are they trying to tell you what is important for you?

It's like it is subtle and how easy it is the impact of collective thinking. The mere fact that you are listening to the message means that you will have an impact on the medal. It may not have thought about being sick, but the nightly news report tells you is not a national epidemic of influenza throughout, and all of a sudden, you begin to wonder if you want to get flu. You feel fine, but now I have thought in my mind that you can flu.

One Commercial Break and take the first announcement for flu medicine. There is no thought in my mind about the sick is only five minutes ago, but now are thought to myself, that you should probably get some flu medicine of tomorrow. You are susceptible to influenza, nightly news only told you the flu bug will be around and fortunately was sufficient to see an advertisement for flu medicine.

The next morning you wake up with the sniffle. You tell yourself, through their thoughts, that is the flu. Go to work and a co-worker to say that you have flu and will likely miss work within a few days because that is how flu works for you. Lo and behold, a more flu-like symptoms and have become so sick that you can not go to work for several days.

It's like it is subtle and how powerful our thoughts and words are. For example, flu is bad enough, but they are fed sensational news about much more than the flu bug. We are fed huge doses of fear every day. Morning, noon and night, we said, using words to the news that he had to live in fear just about everything that happens in the world.

We are told to fear the weather, earthquakes, fear, fear of the flu, the fear of the poor, our enemies fear, fear of our school systems fear of foreigners, fear of our food, children who are afraid to commit crimes, environmentalists fear, fear Just about everything. This is the "news" with the proviso that to us every day.

Now, I am not saying if this is right or wrong. I am only that, in my observation is what is so.

One final observation. I will let you answer that yourself, because you are the only one who really matter. Do you think that television news is mostly based on fear or love? What is your response?

Here's the kicker. "Does it serve?"

by : Richard Blackstone

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