Free Ebook : Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend

From 1912 to 1914, Genevieve Behrend life focused solely on the wisdom and philosophy of man's most influential and convincing ideas, provided that a large part of the foundation stone for the spiritual philosophy known today as "New Thought".

Since the awareness of science Mental was taking shape, Thomas Troward (1847 - 1916) gives his personal insight into just one student, could the continued existence of this knowledge and share it with the world.

Your Invisible Power was her first book and remains its most powerful and popular work.

Behrend Troward philosophy presents the best because of the way they are incomparably direct and dynamic personality is the life-changing concepts on a personal level.

Behrend said: "We all have more power and more opportunities than we realize and visualizing is one of the largest of these powers.

"These pages were related to the purpose and hope that their proposals can provide a key to open the way for the realisation of your wishes."

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