Free Ebook : Attaining Your Desires by Genevieve Behrend

"Attaining Your Desires by letting your subconscious mind work for you"
by Genevieve Behrend

"I would say this is the clearest, most comprehensive, most practical and indeed most do-able explanation of how the Creative Process works in real life that I've ever read."
-David Garfinkle

Behrend wrote her book as a complete seven-lesson course.

The writing is in dialogue form, between a "Sage" and a "Pupil." The Sage is a famous author and teacher; the Pupil is you. It is very easy reading, very tightly written, and very enlightening. Here are a few of the lesson/chapter titles:

Lesson 2: How to Get What You Want
Lesson 3. How to Overcome Adverse conditions Lesson 5. Making Your Subjective Mind Work for you Lesson 7. Putting Your Lessons Into Practice

Within these lessons is pure compressed dynamite. I mean it.

Here are a few sub-headings to give you a sense of the staggering power of this rare material:
"The Secret of Controlling Your Life Forces"
"Don't Look for Coincidences In Your Life"
"How to Drive Anxiety Out of Your Mind"
"How You Can Control Circumstances"
"How Your Mind Is Related to The Universal Mind"
"How to Develop Health and Harmony"

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