Manifest The Reality

The simple truth is this. You can manifest reality, you are already doing it everyday, except. That's not the reality you want, right?

And the reason this happens is because you don't know that you are manifesting reality and you don't how you're manifesting reality.

Therefore, before you can learn how to manifest reality you must first learn what reality is.
So the question is... What is reality?

Is reality something you see happen outside? Is it universal?

In other words, is my reality the same as your reality or is it different? Is there a way how to manifest reality or don't I have any control over what happens in my life?

Don't you often hear this: "Come-on man, be realistic, things just don't happen that way, or reality is not like that? I'm sure that sounds familiar. I hear it all the time, whenever I try to tell somebody that he can change his fortunes, by changing his attitude towards life.

Every One Creates his Own Reality

The truth is that reality starts inside every person and that every person creates his/her own reality through what he/she thinks and beliefs. Every person sees things not as they "are", but as they appear to him or her. Each one of us looks at life through lenses that are colored by our cultural upbringing, beliefs and past experiences.

We believe that so much that even when somebody else wants to show us THE WAY we brush them off because of the way we have been conditioned.

However the truth is that you no longer have to be bound by your past. Your reality can be different from what it was. You can have success after many years of failure.

I'm a testament to that. I never thought I would have the things I'm having now. I had so many failures... so many disappointments that I could barely imagine a different outcome to what I was used to. Yet, here I am encouraging you.

So, the answer to the question, how to manifest reality is to change your beliefs and your thoughts... Change the images in your head that reminds you of your current reality and you will soon construct a new reality that's worthy of you.

Thanks to : Jimmy Roos

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