Attracting money is no different from attracting anything else, the principles are the same. So if you have been trying to manifest money for some time and have failed it can be blamed on your beliefs.
And when I say beliefs, I do not just mean just any beliefs but specifically beliefs related to money.
The following are examples of negative beliefs that may prevent you from manifesting.
It's difficult to make moneyYou have to work hard for money
Money is scarce
Rich people are stingy
You should save money for a rainy day.
Money doesn't bring happiness
Money is the root of all evil
I have bad luck
Money is a problem
I don't know how to manifest money
Anybody who has beliefs like the above will struggle.
This is basically how your mind has been programmed from past experiences since the time you were born and perhaps before that.
So what should you do?
Get rid of those negative beliefs and money will start to flow in your life. This is what I would say is the answer to the question, how to manifest money.This you do by using affirmations such as:
Money easily flow into my lifeI earn $10 000 per month doing something I love
I attract situations and events which help me make more money
I love money for the good it can do
The Universe knows what I need and is supplying everything I need whenever I need it. So I am at peace.
Start thinking of all the good that money can do, not only in your life but in the lives of others.
If you have a little money start demonstrating abundance by gving to others who are less fortunate than you. Don't wait until you have enough money someday, because no matter how bad things are going with you, there's usually someone who is worse off than you.
Count your blessing and be grateful for what you have. That is basically how to manifest money in your life.
thanks to : Jimmy Roos
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