Free Ebook : The Master Mind

“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind.”
Napoleon Hill

MasterMind Guidelines
  1. The average group works best with two to eight members, no more than 12—time is the constraint.
  2. Meet regularly, weekly if possible. Meet in a nice, preferably inspirational place if possible. Make sure it’s a well-lit restaurant, office, home, library, or church, etc. Have a preplanned agenda.
  3. If you are in different cities, the meeting can be conducted on a conference call. Make certain you engage an excellent conference call company (setting up a series of 3-way calls does not work well.) You might save a few pennies but miss a million dollar opportunity through distractions.
  4. Start the meetings by reading the MasterMind principles. This is possibly one of the most important points of a call. Every member of the group should read aloud all 7 Principles and the Dedication and Covenant.

Read more in this small ebook :
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