Affirmations for law of attraction

Affirmations are an essential practice for effective law of attraction results. I personally use them every morning to start my day, along with a review of my gratitude list to affirm everything I’ve already created in my life.

Keep in mind that affirming is just a part of your overall law of attraction strategy. For this tool to be effective, you must truly believe that you can have what you are affirming. You must also focus more on the feelings that the things you want create within you and experience them as you are saying them.

I have created a list of suggested affirmations for you to use in the different areas of your life on this page. However, I encourage you to create your own list using the tips and techniques below first. Then, review the general categories and add to your original list.

Here are some tips for creating effective affirmations:

  • Always start with “I AM”. Using these words affirms that whatever it is you want is happening right now. The brain does not know the difference between what you consider real and what is actually manifest in your life right now. If you continue to say “I AM” then your mind will work to match your thoughts with physical reality.

  • Be specific. If you want a new home, choose to say something like “I am happily and joyfully living in my beautiful, fully-paid, newly-built, 5-bedroom log cabin in the woods.” Without specificity, you could end up in a shack in the boonies with a big mortgage.

  • Add feeling words. For instance, if you wish to manifest $20,000 per month, rather than saying “I am making $20,000 per month”, choose to say “I am easily and ecstatically making $20,000 per month in a profession I love.”

  • Take time to experience each one. Do not just mechanically say your declarations as a dull morning routine. Speak them slowly, with conviction, belief and gratitude. Write them down as you speak them if that helps you to slow down.

Here are some creative ways to do your affirmations:

  • Pick a time of the day that best suits you. I personally like to do them in the morning, as that is when I am most alert and energetic. Bedtime is also a good time, as you take those great images and thoughts to sleep with you, giving your subconscious food for thought, sorta speak…

  • Use a mirror. Look at yourself as you say your affirmations. This is extremely powerful. I found this exercise to be a little uncomfortable at first but over time grew to love it. As you see yourself affirming your good, witness your feelings expressing through your body – smiling, laughing, jumping up and down, whatever floats your boat.

  • Use affirmations as a time-killer. Whether your waiting in line at the grocery store, pumping the treadmill at the gym, driving your car, or just bored in general, call up a vision from your list of desires.

  • Play the movie in your head. For instance, if you dream of a trip to Hawaii, go there in your mind. See yourself on the beach feeling the warmth of the sun on your face, drinking an ice cold Pina Colada, having a deep relaxing massage, swimming in the crystal clear cool blue waters, laughing and having fun at a Luau, tasting the delicious tropical menu and dancing to the music.

Geez, I’m ready to go book my flight – are you?

  • Use your computer screensaver or desktop background to display important affirmations. You can even add images of your desires on your computer screen along with affirmations to make them even more powerful.

by : law of attraction made eazy

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