The Secret Allowed my True Self to BREATHE

By Susie Stone
from Minneapolis, MN

Here is just one example: I had lunch with a client and he couldn’t resist saying, “You look really happy!” I replied, “You know what, I really am!” I was beaming from the inside out and I explained that I was playing with some of the concepts I had learned from watching a movie called, “The Secret.” Of course he immediately wanted to know more so after the meeting I sent him an email with the link to the movie. I received a call the next day and he was BLOWN away! He was so excited about the ideas and concepts from the movie that we spent the next 30 minutes discussing the movie. Then I received a phone call 2 days later and he told me that he wanted to share the movie with his staff. So sure enough a week later at his Tuesday morning staff meeting he showed the movie, “The Secret.” Now the ripples have begun. His staff was now talking about it and discussing how they could use the concepts in their daily work and personal lives.

To this day I still get phone calls from my client with the latest A -Ha or experiment using the concepts from the movie. This movie has created such a positive buzz, and amazing good ripples among the people I work with and for me personally I just wanted to share my experiences with you.

It allowed me to truly BREATHE and be myself knowing that when I am in alignment and ask for what I truly want the world is ready to answer! Guess what? I am ready to have the life I have always dreamed of and more!! Because what is life without a few suprises along the way!

About Susie Stone from Minneapolis, MN:

I am a Master Innovator and Play Intergration Specialist for Tickling Stone, LLC. I am traveler, avid learner, and love to work with visionaries who want to flip the world upside down and live their amazing dreams!! And unleashing the playful adult that hides inside us.

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