How to make the secret priciple work for you

How to make the secret priciple work for you

Law of attraction is a tool that was created to God - and has been giving to us to use with God. With this tool, you can create you reality from your imaginity.

Theres there priciple to make the secret work :

  1. The first has to do with God – this is the I AM
  2. Second has to do with me – this is the YOU ARE
  3. Has to do with me and God together – the HOW TO

Some people said that they cant use the secret. Probably they are workin with only one of that priciple. It most often produces the results it desires when used as it was designed to use – it always producing some result, whether those using it understand it or not. System of cause and effect that never shut down. God is that process. God is that system.

The Power of attraction is part of a larger system of cause and effect in the universe called the great principles of life

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