By Tara Catt
from Edinburgh - Scotland
I have been in an out of a depressive mindset since before I can remember. I did not have such a wonderful upbringing, and so my mindset was never truly a positive one. Many times my girlfriend and her mother tried to tell me things that would help, but I could not seem to grasp what it was they were saying to me.
My girlfriends' mother recently bought a copy of "THE SECRET" and invited me to view it with her to explain what she had been trying to tell me all along.
Having just come out of a particularly rough depression, I agreed to come over and see this film, of which she told me very little. The more I watched "THE SECRET", the more I saw what they had both been trying all along to tell me.
Suddenly I realised that I had already used "THE SECRET" without knowing it, and known that it had worked. I almost cried at the point I realised .... this works.
Since that day, that wonderful day, I have not had a sad moment. Everything goes my way nowadays (within reason), and I feel happy all the time. "THE SECRET" has changed my life around completely and I know I would be lost without it. My relationship was failing, now we are stronger than ever. My life felt meaningless, now I know it is full of so much potential.
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